Strategic Planning
The Financial Market Commission presents its 2020-22 Strategic Plan. Said Plan is the roadmap for the years 2020-22 and establishes the new Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals that will guide its institutional work.
The Financial Market Commission presents its 2020-22 Strategic Plan. Said Plan is the roadmap for the years 2020-22 and establishes the new Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals that will guide its institutional work.
Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1449, Santiago, Chile
Código Postal 834-0518
Para temas de valores y seguros:
(56 2) 2617 4000
Para temas bancarios e instituciones financieras: (56 2) 2887 9200
RUT: 60.810.000-8
Nos interesa conocer su opinión sobre el sitio Web de la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (CMF)
Marque de 1 a 10, siendo 1 la peor calificación y 10 la mejor.